Author spotlight

Catherine Roberts

Catherine Roberts is a travel writer from Brighton who’s on a mission to Instagram her way around the world. She has a real love for northerly places – her greatest hits include road-tripping around south-west Iceland, bear-watching in the Canadian Yukon, and exploring Scotland by train. Greenland currently tops her (ever-expanding) travel wish list.
11 reasons to visit Bahrain next year
It’s official – Muharraq Island in Bahrain has just been named the Islamic Cultural Capital for 2018. But what about...
10 cheap and free things to do in Budapest
Right, first of all. Get yourself on and book those bargain Budapest flights. C’mon, you know you want...
7 groups of people you’ll meet at Walt Disney World Florida
Anyone who’s been to Walt Disney World Florida knows that a visit there is akin to hurtling off-planet and...
Travelling in your twenties vs. travelling in your thirties
Do you find yourself wincing at the thought of staying in a hostel? Eyeing red-eye flights with dread? You,...
Things to do in Reykjavik on an 8-hour stopover
The bad news: you’ve got a lengthy stopover. The good news: it’s in Reykjavik, Europe’s coolest capital. Here’s what to do...