
In this age of easy international travel, you will probably be hard-pressed to find anywhere that’s not filled with a hundred other tourists. (Featured image by Mariemon)

It can often feel like the chance for a true adventure is simply not possible for the modern day traveller; everywhere has been so well trodden, and well documented, already. But the world is a big place, and while you may not be able to tread completely new ground, you can certainly still find remote and secluded locations.

With that in mind, we thought we’d bring our pick of the best deserted islands around the world. OK, so they may not be completely deserted, but in this day and age they’re probably as close as we’re going to get.



Yaeyama Islands, Japan

Located at the southernmost point of the Japanese archipelago, this collection of islands form the remotest of Japan.

The smaller islands of Taketomi, Iriomote and Ishigaki wouldn’t look out of place in the Caribbean, with their white sandy beaches and picturesque views.

There is a distinctly rural lifestyle conducted by the locals, who number just a few hundred on the islands, making this a true escape from the modern world.



Socotra Island, Yemen

Often referred to as one of the most alien-looking places on Earth, thanks to its unique vegetation, this remote island in the Indian Ocean is unlike anywhere else in the world.

A third of Socotra Island’s plant life is unique to the island, and not found anywhere else on Earth. Two particularly strange specimens are the oddly-shaped cucumber tree and the dragon’s blood, which oozes a blood red sap.



San Blas Islands, Panama

For a remote island experience like no other, the San Blas Islands in Panama are the place to go. You won’t find any hotels and resorts here, just small huts and dwellings offering a bed for the night.

The San Blas archipelago is made up of around 375 islands, just 49 of which are inhabited. The region is run by the indigenous Kuna people, a clean living population of hunters and fishermen.

Facilities are at a minimum here, but there is endless opportunity to island hop amongst this idyllic paradise.



Devil’s Island, French Guiana

Best known for the infamous former penal colony that struck fear into the hearts of criminals in France more than 100 years ago, Devil’s Island is now a popular destination in French Guiana.

Devil’s Island is the smallest of the three islands that make up the Iles du Salut, off the coast of French Guiana.

With its picturesque views, lively wildlife and eerie ruins from its penal colony days, Devil’s Island is a must-visit.



Ulleungdo, South Korea

Located far off the East coast of South Korea, Ulleungdo is a rugged volcanic island that is great for hiking and fishing.

The island is said to have no pollution, no thieves and no snakes, so this is the perfect day-trip destination.

Ferries run daily from the mainland, while sightseeing boats make regular trips around the island itself.

About the author

Alex FrancisBlogger and travel writer, I like my holidays either really cold or really hot. If I'm not flying down an icy mountain or relaxing on a scorching-hot beach, I'm not interested!

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