
When we first heard of the annual Manhattan Island Marathon Swim we should’ve been shocked.

We should’ve been shocked that people would choose to circumnavigate Manhattan not in a tour boat, but in a pair of Speedos.

That they would choose to swim 28.5 miles through choppy, and let’s face it, “muddied” waters (yes, you read that right, 28.5 miles … that’s 2.1 miles more than a standard marathon road race).

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And we should’ve drawn breath at the news that they must pay $1,885 (£1,200) for the privilege (for those who want to know, most of the entry fee goes towards paying for the support teams that follow the swimmers around the course ensuring their safety, a task that includes making them visible to cruise liners sailing up the Hudson so they’re not, you know, run over).

But we weren’t shocked. Why? Because this is New York – a city that’s been at the zenith of human endeavours for well over a century, a city that lives and breathes extremes. New Yorkers are used to pushing the limits – it’s in their blood.

We’ll tell what did shock us though. Discovering that this race isn’t even close to making the list of the world’s toughest open water swims (and this list only focuses on the ones in the Northern Hemisphere!).

Bad news if you fancy competing in this year’s swim on Saturday (June 23). Enrolment is now closed, but there’s always next year. You might as well get your training under way instead. We understand that it’s customary to smother your skin in goose fat (or petroleum jelly) before entering the water. Good luck with that.

Check out some of the sights of the 2010 race with this photo montage set to music.

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Written by insider city guide series Hg2 | A Hedonist’s guide to …

(Image: smith_cl9)

About the author

Brett AckroydBrett hopes to one day reach the shores of far-flung Tristan da Cunha, the most remote of all the inhabited archipelagos on Earth…as to what he’ll do when he gets there, he hasn’t a clue. Over the last 10 years, London, New York, Cape Town and Pondicherry have all proudly been referred to as home. Now it’s Copenhagen’s turn, where he lends his travel expertise to

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