
Cheapflights extends its warmest congratulations to “Fusionman” Yves Rossy who today successfully recreated Louis Bleriot’s epic Calais to Dover flight of nearly 100 years ago. The dare-devil birdman crossed the Channel, not in a plane, but literally wearing his own-design carbon-fibre wing strapped to his back. Only 30 litres of fuel powering four mini jet engines saw “Fusionman” traverse the Straits of Dover in just under 15 minutes compared to Louis Bleriot’s equally hazardous 37 minute flight in 1909.

Asked whether she thought a new era of short haul budget flight options had been ushered in, Francesca Ecsery, General Manager Cheapflights commented: “Despite the un-crowded check-in and border controls and uncongested air traffic enjoyed by M. Rossy, the lack of available baggage, catering and other ‘necessary’ on-board facilities makes it unlikely that this form of budget travel will prove popular and a viable alternative to other well-known no-frills airlines.”

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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