Discover our iOS app
The cheap flights app for your iPhone or iPad

Begin your journey
Search for the cheapest or quickest flight, whether for a domestic or international destination.

You're on your way
We compare deals from more than 700 airlines and travel providers in seconds.

Sort, filter, save
You can sort by the cheapest or quickest flights, filter flights by criteria, such as time of day, airport, airline or save your flight searches.

Compare prices
Use our price graphs and calendars to find the cheapest day to fly; helping you save more.

Shortlist your flights
Like the look of a number of flights? Add these to your shortlist and view them at a later stage before deciding on the one for you.

Your flight details
View all the important details of your chosen flight. You can also share your flight details with friends

Already have the Cheapflights app?
We are always looking to improve what we do and would love to hear how you are getting on with our app. If you are experiencing any issues or have any other feedback please contact us at:
Don't have an iPhone or iPad?
Don't worry, our site is designed to work on most mobile phones. Simply visit the site on your phone and you will be presented with the best experience for your device.