
It doesn’t hurt to get a healthy dose of culture now and then. And Amsterdam’s annual Holland Festival is just the thing for those who prefer their hit to be in a concentrated rather than drip-fed form.

Now in its 65th year, it’s the Netherland’s largest, longest-running and most prestigious performance arts festival.

The event is a veritable kaleidoscope of the arts. Over the course of this month (1-28 June) there’ll be over 50 productions and 150 performances from some of the world’s leading exponents in theater, music, opera, dance, film and architecture – all in one city. Pretty good bang for your buck!

We suspect though, as with all festivals, some will be entirely missable. Please don’t blame us if you end up trapped in one of those performance art snorefests. Besides, everyone should have to suffer at least one of those in their lives!

Naturally, shows and installations are staged all across Amsterdam. Venues range from decidedly un-arty spaces, such as the Central Station, to illustrious and world-renowned performance halls such as The Concertgebouw.

Critics have already said that one of today’s dance productions is the standout of this year’s program. Word is, enfant explores French philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard’s famous assertion “Children are the hostages of adults”. Apparently, audience members are confronted with the feelings, dreams and nightmares of childhood and current attitudes towards children. Make of that what you will.

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Written by insider city guide series Hg2 | A Hedonist’s guide to…

(Image: andrei.olariu)

About the author

Brett AckroydBrett hopes to one day reach the shores of far-flung Tristan da Cunha, the most remote of all the inhabited archipelagos on Earth…as to what he’ll do when he gets there, he hasn’t a clue. Over the last 10 years, London, New York, Cape Town and Pondicherry have all proudly been referred to as home. Now it’s Copenhagen’s turn, where he lends his travel expertise to

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