
Cheapflights’ pick of some of the best reads around

Nothing beats the excitement of booking a holiday: deciding where to go, finding the flights, choosing a hotel, reading up on your destination… But, sadly, we can’t all holiday all year round. For times such as these, when the weather is grey outside the window and there’s a long stretch of work looming out across the afternoon, vicarious travelling is the next best option.

The armchair traveller likes nothing better than a good travel blog. Well-written, well-designed travel blogs are a joy to read. They can provide information, inspiration or just a browse at another part of the world through someone else’s eyes. We’ve rounded up some of the favourite blogs from the team at Cheapflights. Take a look, sit back and dream…

Notes from the Road

Notes from the Road is one of the most beautiful travel sites we’ve ever seen. The author travels – on the road, yes, but also by other means such as kayak or seaplane – and photographs and writes about what he sees. The huge photos, full screen size, are stunning. The writing is funny and sharp. And you’ve got to love a blog that has the following sentence on its “about” page: “Travel writing always gets a bad rap, because of ‘The azure sea was undulating and the hotel was fabulous.’ But travel writing can be funny, powerful and personal.” One of our absolute favourite sites.

West Africa Wins Always

A journalist who has lived in the Ivory Coast since 2003 writes about daily life in West Africa (website: This site gives a fascinating insight to a little-known country. The posts cover everything from information about the unrest to musings about the definition of beauty in Africa.

The Longest Way Home

Now in its eighth year, this British author travels the world looking for somewhere to call home. The blog (website: is essentially an online journal of these travels along with reasons why each country visited would – or wouldn’t – make a good place to settle. Readers can also vote on where they think is the best place to live.


Not really a blog, but the community site from Wanderlust, the publishers of one of the best travel magazines. myWanderlust ( has a range of different sections, from photos and videos to “experiences” where members add short stories about recent travel. It’s large and fairly well-populated and if you know what you’re looking for there is a host of information here. As you’d expect from a site that is entirely populated by users, the quality varies hugely from piece to piece.

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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