Holiday package deals in Diani Beach

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Tips for booking hotels in Diani Beach

Gain useful insights to help choose a hotel in Diani Beach. Data was last updated on Fri Jan 17 2025.
Cheapest month:July
Most expensive month:January
Average price in Diani Beach:£143/night
Cheapest price found:£20/night
Cheapest day:Thursday
Most expensive day:Friday
£52 - £279
Average price per night / 3-star hotel. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.
£74 - £279
Average price per night / 3-star hotel. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.

Where to stay in Diani Beach

Utilise the map to find the perfect place to stay for your trip to Diani Beach. There are 132 hotels to choose from in Diani Beach.

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